STS-91 Mission Summary

June 2, 1998, 
6:06:24 p.m. EDT
The countdown proceeded smoothly except for a slight delay in operations to load the external tank with cryogenic propellant to evaluate a few technical issues. As planned, launch managers determined the exact orbital location of the Mir Space Station during the countdownÆs T-9-minute built-in hold. The decision was then made to launch Discovery at 6:06 p.m. to achieve optimum Shuttle system performance and to accommodate Shuttle-Mir rendezvous activities.

June 12, 1998,
2:00:18 p.m. EDT
Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Rollout distance 11,730 feet (3,576 meters). Rollout time: one minute, four seconds. Mission duration: nine days, 19 hours, 54 minutes, two seconds. Landed on orbit 155. Logged 3.8 million statute miles. Landed on first opportunity at KSC, marking the 15th consecutive landing in Florida and 22nd in the last 23 missions.

Crew List
Charles J. Precourt, Commander
Dominic L. Pudwill Gorie, Pilot
Wendy B. Lawrence, Mission Specialist
Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, Mission Specialist
Janet L. Kavandi, Mission Specialist
Valery Victorovitch Ryumin, RSA Mission Specialist

NASA-7 Departure
Andrew S. W. Thomas, Mission Specialist

Crew Biographies
Mission Highlights


STS-91 patch